
Our videos


We organise periodically events in streaming and make videos focused on subjects linked to the history of the former prison camp of Servigliano.
The division that we have proposed on this page enables you to have more immediate access to the contents of our YouTube channel to let you know better the subjects on which we work, and offers to enthusiasts and students resources to approach some issues of contemporary history.

Initiatives in streaming

Witness accounts

Documentary video

Become a member

L’Associazione La Casa della Memoria ODV is registered with the Regional Voluntary Work Register of the Marche Region. Becoming a member you can help us actively in our initiatives, or simply support us with your membership fee.

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Make a donation

Free donations given to the Voluntary Organisation House of Remembrance Association are tax deductible or subtractable according to the limits established in the Italian tax legislation.

Associazione La Casa della Memoria ODV
via E. Fermi 16, 63839 Servigliano (FM)
Tax ID code 90033020448


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Ass. La Casa della Memoria ODV © 2022