La casa della memoria
Association for the recovery of the memory of the Servigliano Camp
Who we are
Why a “House of Remembrance”
Founded in 2001, the purpose of the association is to recover and bring back to life the memory of all the events that involved directly the former Prison Camp in Servigliano
and indirectly the Tenna Valley by collecting documents
and witness statements and welcoming visitors and historians. According to its by-laws it promotes the culture of legality and sets itself the objective of educating young people and the future generations on the values of peace, democracy and solidarity.
For these reasons the association is interested in making contact with anyone who has any link with the history of the Camp or is in possession of material related to the Camp (videos, photographs, objects, drawings, diaries)
The Headquarters of the association is the former Servigliano railway station, adjacent to the Camp, which also hosts the Remembrance Museum, a permanent photographic exhibition on the history of the Camp, and the multi-media classroom where the events organised by the association are held.
the servigliano camp
The Servigliano Camp was a witness to all the greatest tragedies of the Twentieth Century.
Find out more about us and our activities
contact us
Stay in contact with La Casa della Memoria
or book your guided tour.
Become a member
The Voluntary Organisation House of Remembrance Association is registered with the Regional Voluntary Work Register of the Marche Region. Becoming a member you can help us actively in our initiatives, or simply support us with your membership fee.
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Make a donation
Free donations given to the Associazione La Casa della Memoria ODV are tax deductible or subtractable according to the limits established in the Italian tax legislation.